Friday, January 22, 2010

Who Knows Where Thoughts Come From They Just Appear.

DISCLAIMER: We have not started "officially" planning yet. I'm currently in the Research and Development phase of this project. Yes, project because if I *really* had it my way, we'd be on a plane to a far off place where the weather is always 75 degrees, sunny with a slight breeze.

When I picture my "dream wedding" I don't picture crystals, roses, sparkles or excessive tulle. I picture soft colors, simple decor, home, vintage, warm. I've had some trouble describing my "vision" for my our wedding. Summer picnic is too casual and vintage-chic is too dressy. I'd like to say it's a combination of both. I want it to feel fun and casual, but still have that element of class that most normal weddings have. I'm not trying to re-create the wheel here. I'm not trying to blow the wedding industry's mind with my totally unique, crazy fun wedding, I'm just trying to make it unlike any wedding *I've* ever been to as far as style. Not too much to ask, right?

My Our number one priority is location. I refuse to get married in a banquet hall - or rather - your typical banquet hall. While these places offer great prices and packages, it is just not something I see for myself US (I've got to stop doing that!) The mirrored walls, the big crystal chandaliers, the crazy hotel carpeting everywhere - Just not my scene.


I've had my eye on this place for quite some time:

This is the Winnetka Community House. Um, in Winnetka. So far, this is the front runner.

As far as decor goes, let me distinguish between my "vision" and what Brian believes my vision is:

Brian's vision of my vision:

Okay, I'm not going to rule out this last scenerio. It *is* a party after all.

My vision:

See? That's not *too* country, right? My advice to Brian:

Just put your pickle on everyone's plate college boy and leave the hard stuff to me.



  1. BTW, the dress you didn't like, with the extra material in the middle and the ruffles and such..? Well, one of my co-workers thought it looked really pretty. LOL

  2. The one that was all frilly at the bottom... lots of material in the middle section. You tried it on at House of Brides. I actually like it too, but you were not having it. lol
