Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Here Comes The....Disaster.

My friends and I used to joke about my future marriage. Tagline: "You're getting married…..someday!" Well, someday is here. I'm engaged. This is not a test. This is the real deal. Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. If you know me at all, you know that I get into full blown panic mode just thinking about planning this event. Event? Is that what I want to call it? Event seems too...big. Reception seems too…formal. Party. Let's call it a party. Anyway, I would be lying if I said I have not been gathering ideas for this party for quite some time. It's been fun, thinking about this "someday". But now, it is frightening. I actually have to, *gulp* make decisions. I can't decide what to have for lunch on a daily basis without doing "eeny, meeny, miney, mo". This should be interesting.

I decided maybe I'll try to keep this blog. To talk it out so it's not all stuck inside my head and to perhaps keep you mildly entertained? I don't know. Probably not. Who am I kidding? This is a purely selfish undertaking – a storage bin to hold all the mental files from my internal filing cabinet.

I hope to keep all three of you who will read this (Stacey, Jennifer, and person who found this place on accident) up-to-date on all things "Stephanie and Brian's Trainwreck of a Wedding".

Enjoy! Or Don't…whatever.


  1. So no more emails? Or should I expect to keep up with both? Just let me know- Maid of Honor at your service

  2. We need more details, with pictures. Pronto.

  3. I think your weddding will be a blast. When is the date. I think you should have Elvis walk you down the isle. Love to both of you. Aunt Julie
