Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Please Forgive Me for Being a Rolling Stone

Busy, busy, busy with all things NOT wedding-related. Now that things have slowed down, we have started to think about it again which is making both of us nervous. Yikes!

When I came back from a "business trip" that I'm not really supposed to be talking about, I settled into my spot on the couch, turned to Brian and said ,"We need to pick a date." One bloody lip later (mine), we decided to set a date to set a date. Yes, you read that correctly. We actually didn't set a date (to set a date) but we set a month to narrow down or date options. Well people, Brian and I are starting out ahead of schedule because we have narrowed down our options PRIOR to our deadline (which was still very vague, but it doesn't matter). I'm not going to go ahead and announce that date because we are deciding between two. This will be based on availablity of one of the two venues we are interested in. So..there's that. Progress.

Our new goal is to pick a venue in April. Like I said before, we have two places (and by we, I mean me, my mother and my sister) that we are interested in. Fingers crossed that one of the two are as good in person as they are on paper (internet).

I've done some browsing here and there and have decided that maybe I owe it to myself to expand my wedding dress budget...you only get married once, right!? So why not splurge a little? Shit, I deserve it! I mean, sure - I want to have a nice wedding but the only person I'm cheating by wearing a dress I just settled on because of cost is myself.

That's all I've got. Thank you Stacey and mom (my only two supporters) for visiting my blog. : )


  1. I check it all the time and you KNOW my mom probably does too...a lot. Haha

  2. Thanks for the shout out . Loves it
