Friday, February 19, 2010

Some Thoughts

I haven't really been up to doing research lately. I'm not really sure why that is. Maybe because the initial excitment of getting engaged is starting to wear off a little bit. I'm not sure. It could also have to do with the fact that the IDEA of planning a wedding is very, very overwhelming. Making sure that everything you decide is exactly right months in advance is tough.I change my mind more often than I change my underpants.

I know there are many, many people who are extremely excited for this wedding. This makes me happy because it means that people really care about us and are rooting for US. With that said, I would really, really adore a small wedding with immediate family. Why? Because it's easy. Because I don't feel like I have to impress any of them with something cool. With THAT being said, I know there are certain rules you follow in certain families when it comes to weddings and invitations. I won't get too specific because I don't want to hurt a single person's feelings, but let's be real here: A wedding reception is never, ever really for the Bride and Groom.

Just saying.

Now that I've said what I've been thinking, kindly go back to ignoring me. : )

XOXO - Gossip Girl.


  1. Have a small wedding!! Do it!! I loved mine ;)

  2. I love all of your blog. You and Brian have the wedding you want. Your life together is not gauged by the party you throw for people you won't remember when you are celbrating your 25th or 50th anniversary. You can have a reception that you and Brian can enjoy. One of the weddings I enjoyed the most was the one for a friend of mine in Tennessee. A small ceremony in a chapel and then back to her parents back yard for BB-Q. No it was NOT redneck, but we all laughed and had a great time with the bride and groom. This is yours and Brian's it yours and Brian's way...Love you

  3. Ok , ok... I'll back off. Lol

    Just consider me one of EXTREMELY excited ones ;)

  4. Can I get an update? Something? Damn.
